It’s all over TikTok and social media. Kate Hudson uses it. Jessica Alba uses it. Red Light Therapy. It’s one of the few treatments that can be done with no pain and no down time.
Keep up the treatments to rejuvenate your skin, soothe your muscles,...
It’s all over TikTok and social media. Kate Hudson uses it. Jessica Alba uses it. Red Light Therapy. It’s one of the few treatments that can be done with no pain and no down time. Keep up the treatments to rejuvenate your skin, soothe your muscles,...
Getting ready for your beach vacay with a chemical peel to look your best? What could go wrong? Postinflammatory pigmentation, that’s what. Let’s just call it PIH. In this episode, we discuss what inflammation has to do with healing, and what healing...
We’ve been hearing and seeing the results of those “skinny shots” that help overweight America look and feel better. But they're expensive, and they don’t always work. What else helps? Registered dietician Jodi Bjurman bursts a few common beliefs in...
Master nose-shaping plastic surgeon, Dr. Rod Rohrich, describes what a liquid nose job is. First, it’s not liquid—it’s a gel—and it makes your nose larger, not smaller. Sometimes the extra volume is a good thing, and sometimes it isn’t. Find out...
Search for scary videos of filler injections, and plenty of hits come up. So how can you find someone to inject your Botox—someone you can trust? Kirstie Anderson, RN, CAN, offers tips on what to look for to get the best results as safely as possible,...
Does anyone remember the photos of Michael Jackson inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Tabloids said he was trying to live forever. Sadly, he didn’t. But was there any truth to those rumors? The short answer is yes, and the longer answer takes us to...
Our cohost Dr. Heather Furnas is the guest on this episode of The Podcast by KevinMD with Dr. Kevin Pho, an internal medicine physician and the founder of Dr. Furnas shares the complexities of authenticity, gender disparities, and asse…
Authored by Heather Furnas and originally published in Ms. Magazine on May 7, 2023. Goldman Sachs will be headed to court next month to battle a class of 1,800 current and former female employees who assert they received lower pay and weaker perfor…
Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Heather Furnas, M.D. specializes in rejuvenating the aesthetic of men and women of all ages. She is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has been in practice for almost 30 years. She is the co-founder of Allegro MedSpa of Novato and is thrilled to be serving alongside her husband, Dr. Francisco Canales.
Dr. Furnas has served as a Clinical Instructor in surgery at Harvard Medical School and is currently Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery at Stanford University. Her overall goal is to provide the highest quality of care with the utmost integrity.
Plastic Surgeon
With a long standing national reputation and board certified for over 20 years, Dr. Joshua Korman is a consistently top-ranked and highly regarded plastic surgeon. Dr. Korman currently serves as Adjunct Clinical Professor of Surgery at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. In addition to recognition by his peers and patients as an outstanding clinician, Dr. Korman is an accomplished writer, having authored and co-authored many scientific and general interest articles in publications ranging from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to The New York Times. As a teacher he leads programs and courses sponsored by national plastic surgery organizations. He also teaches Stanford plastic surgery residents and plastic surgeons around the world. He has traveled to many countries to help the underserved and holds many patents for innovations in plastic surgery in the areas of skin remodeling and tissue expansion. He is an accomplished musician and sculptor.